The white is the rice. The orange is my salmon and the green is probably avocado. Mama likes that better than cucumber.
The black band is my seaweed wrapper. And of course I have carrot for a hat!
~~~~~~~UPDATE for October 2014~~~~~~~
This was totally NOT a sponsored post when I originally wrote it, but I have since signed up as an Amazon affiliate, which as I understand it means that if you click on my little widgety thing and proceed to make a purchase, I get commissions. Or something.
Meanwhile, this costume is SO EASY that it would be kind of silly not to link what's needed. Basically I dressed our Chief Content Provider in a white onsie and leggings. Then I wrapped an adult black legging around her and shoved in some reusable grocery bags on her back.
Here's where to click Amazon to get the ingredients for your own yummy sushi!!
And here's a picture that's all Pinterest-y, just in case you get a generous hair and decide to share:
Shared with:

As well as some of these nice people.
Brilliant!! Absolutely adorable, Jill!
Brilliant!! Absolutely adorable, Jill!
Cute, Now I want sushi!
Thank you Janet! (and thank you Janet!)
Thanks Mark! Hope you had some!
OMG How adorable is that???? Plus, so much more creative than the over the top version my sister posted on my facebook page. I am sharing this photo with her (if that's ok :-D)
Thanks Arizphale! Of course I don't mind and yeah, that was just a *little* over the top! :-) Super cute though. :-)
This is making me want another baby so I can dress her up all sushi-like! I don't think any of my kids will go for that this year...
What a cute costume! We love sushi in our house. :)
We are a sushi loving family! This is adorable!!
It's me again! Thank you so much for linking up to Dare to Share. You are today's Dare to Share Feature of the Day!
Thank you so much Lara, Angel, and Pam!!!!!
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